Worship Schedule for the Epiphany Season
As we start a new year, the church year is also moving on as well. Leaving Christmas behind, the season of Epiphany starts on January 6, 2022 and ends on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023.
The word “epiphany”means to “to show”, to “reveal”, and to “make clear.” This year I would like to focus on how the coming of God’s Son has the potential of changing us, our lives and our world. We are going to use the readings from the Lectionary Year A.
January 8, 2023 Matthew 3: 13-17
January 15, 2023 John 1: 29-42
January 22, 2023 Matthew 4: 12-23
January 29, 2023 Matthew 5: 1-12
February 5, 2023 Matthew 5: 13-20
February 12, 2023 Matthew 5: 21-37
February 19, 2023 Matthew 17: 1-9
February 22, 2023 Ash Wednesday; the Season of Lent begins.